
Providence and Suffering in the Old and New Testament by Edmund F. Sutcliffe

By | 2018-07-28T14:28:48+00:00 July 28th, 2018|Buy, Resources|

   Providence and Suffering in the Old and New Testament is an interesting, one-hundred and sixty-nine page book that brings its readers on a concise journey through the Old and New Testament teachings on the providence of God and suffering.  This book was written in 1953 by Edmund F. Sutcliffe, who was a professor of [...]

Providence and Suffering in the Old and New Testaments by Edmund F. Sutcliffe

By | 2018-06-21T06:29:01+00:00 June 15th, 2015|Buy, Introduction, Resources|

   Providence and Suffering in the Old and New Testament is a wonderful, one-hundred and sixty-nine page book that brings its readers on a concise journey through the Old and New Testament teachings on the providence of God and suffering.  This book was written in 1953 by Edmund F. Sutcliffe, who was a professor of [...]