
Blessed- Psalm 31:9-14

   That’s not typically the first thing you think of when suffering – at least, I know it wasn’t for me. Sometimes our suffering overwhelms us and we can’t think of anything else. Sometimes we just prefer to wallow in our self-pity, questions, and sadness. But, more about that in a moment.    To begin, [...]

3 Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Is Suffering – Job 16:2

In times of difficulty and suffering there are three vastly different types of comforters: 1) There is a group of comforters I like to call the “self-absorbed comforters.” They appear unfazed and unconcerned about those who are suffering around them (Luke 10:30-32; Jas 2:15-16). Initially, their lack of empathy/ sympathy is very hurtful to the [...]

Thank God! 3 Reasons You Should be Thankful During Adversity, 2 Corinthians 1:3

   American society frequently uses the phrase “thank God.” More often than not, the phrase is used for a meaningless event in one’s life. “Thank God!” when a favorite show is ready to start a new season, and “thank God!” when the wait at a restaurant is short. Other times, it is used appropriately by [...]

By | 2015-08-28T04:16:33+00:00 July 30th, 2015|Relationship with God|1 Comment

Limiting Circumstances Make for Great Opportunities

   Leading up to my diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, my ability to stand unassisted and walk had deteriorated greatly. After over a year of symptoms, I submitted to them and saw a doctor which resulted in my diagnosis. In addition to diagnosing me, the doctor prescribed a series of steroid infusions to help “cool off” [...]

Coping with Abandonment

   One of the challenges sufferers face after they are diagnosed and disability begins to rear its ugly head is the treatment they receive from those closest to them. In many respects one expects “outsiders” not to “get it,” but when friends, family, and co-workers don’t, it hurts. The sadness derived by the sudden change [...]

Providence and Suffering in the Old and New Testaments by Edmund F. Sutcliffe

   Providence and Suffering in the Old and New Testament is a wonderful, one-hundred and sixty-nine page book that brings its readers on a concise journey through the Old and New Testament teachings on the providence of God and suffering.  This book was written in 1953 by Edmund F. Sutcliffe, who was a professor of [...]

By | 2018-06-21T06:29:01+00:00 June 15th, 2015|Buy, Introduction, Resources|2 Comments

A Website & Me

   Maybe you have read my first two introductory blog posts, then again, maybe you haven’t (category, Allow me to introduce myself). If you haven’t, allow me to summarize them for you: I am a Christian minister who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (2014) and has decided to launch a web-based ministry focused on those [...]

By | 2018-06-21T06:29:01+00:00 June 9th, 2015|Allow Me to Introduce Myself|2 Comments

Christianity & Me

   Christianity has been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember. My parents took me to worship services every Sunday growing up, barring some illness or unusual circumstance (1 Cor. 16:2). They taught me that Christianity is practical and useful in every aspect of life (2 Pet. 1:3) and [...]

By | 2018-06-21T06:29:01+00:00 June 8th, 2015|Allow Me to Introduce Myself|0 Comments

Multiple Sclerosis & Me

    I was introduced to Multiple Sclerosis many years ago when my aunt was diagnosed with the disease. I was too young to fully appreciate the significance of her diagnosis, but I remember feeling the sadness among adult family members as we walked tirelessly through the rain in an effort to raise money for Multiple [...]

By | 2018-06-21T06:29:02+00:00 June 5th, 2015|Allow Me to Introduce Myself|8 Comments